Teeth Whitening Special!

Is that daily cup of Jo in the morning starting to take it's toll?  Is the color of your teeth starting to resemble the color of your coffee or tea you have for breakfast every morning? Nelson Family Dentistry has just lowered their price for at home whitening $250 to $100, that is over 50% off!

What is At-home whitening you ask? – The Nelson Family Dentistry at home whitening process will start with making a mold of your teeth so we can create a custom-fit whitening tray. Whitening gel is placed in the custom tray and depending on the type of gel, is worn during the day or at night while you sleep.  Either way you end up with a bright new smile!

Give us a call  to schedule an appointment to begin your $100 whitening process! Whiter teeth are just one visit away at Nelson Family Dentistry! (616) 748-4100

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