What are sealants and how do they work?

Sealants are a plastic resin that protect the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. These back teeth have such deep pits and crevices that the bristles of a toothbrush often can’t reach the bottom of the pits. Food and plaque build up in these areas, causing decay. That is why many children end up with cavities, even though they are brushing well. When sealants are applied, they fill in the deep pits and crevices, preventing food and plaque from entering these areas. The application of a sealant is quick and comfortable. The tooth is first cleaned then a liquid conditioner is applied with a brush. The sealant, which is in a liquid form, is then applied to the tooth. The sealant is then hardened with a curing light and bonds to the tooth. Sealants can last for many years if properly cared for. They are especially helpful during the cavity prone years, which ranges from childhood to late teens. Since sealants only protect the chewing surfaces, it is important to brush and floss daily. Good brushing and a healthy diet will result in the sealants lasting longer. After applying sealants, we recommend avoiding any sticky foods like caramel and gummy bears and not biting anything hard like ice and hard candy. These will cause the sealants to chip off and not last as long. During regular check-ups, your dentist will check the sealants for wear and can recommend repair or re-application if necessary. Sealants have been used safely and effectively for over two decades and are an excellent preventive measure.

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