Baby Teeth… Why Are They Important?

The question is one asked frequently by kids and parents. “Why are baby teeth so important?” There are more than a few good reasons to keep baby teeth (also known as primary teeth) clean and healthy. Firstly, they are important to your child’s dental health both now and later. Primary teeth encourage proper growth of the jawbone and muscles and allow children to chew, therefore, maintaining proper nutrition. They are also critical for speech development. Primary teeth maintain a space for permanent teeth as they erupt. Oftentimes, primary teeth are not all lost until the child is between the ages of 11 and 14, although this time frame can vary from child to child.

Losing primary teeth too soon can result in crowding of permanent teeth. The space caused by a missing tooth can allow other teeth to shift or drift into that space, leaving nowhere for permanent teeth to erupt. This can lead to more involved orthodontic care which can be expensive as well as unnecessary.

If a primary tooth is removed too soon because of dental disease or accidental injury, your pediatric dentist may suggest a space maintainer to prevent crowding or shifting of existing teeth. These can be either metal or plastic and created to be a custom fit for your child. They are easily worn and children adapt to them very quickly.

Early dental check ups are critical in maintaining optimal dental health for your child. A regular program both at home and in the dental office can avoid unnecessary dental treatment due to dental disease. A healthy smile can help children feel good about the way they look to others. Help your child keep those baby teeth in their smile looking clean and healthy until they are ready for the Tooth Fairy!

1 Response to Baby Teeth… Why Are They Important?

Zyzo says:

Hey, sublte must be your middle name. Great post!

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